The hedge fund and alternative strategies panel, moderated by Johann Lee, CFA, director of research at AlphaCore, highlights hedge fund and alternative asset managers.
The panel primarily focuses on trend-following investing within managed futures strategies, known for their non-directional and diversifying nature. These strategies can excel in volatile markets and offer diversification benefits, as evidenced by their strong performance even in challenging times like 2022.
The discussion veers toward bond and credit investing in a changing interest rate environment due to rising inflation. Panelists provide insights into navigating this evolving landscape.
The panelists then discuss their risk management and portfolio construction approaches, emphasizing diversification, risk mitigation and talent selection. They prioritize risk-adjusted returns, using structured credit to manage risk and hedge interest rates.
Speakers address concerns about potential economic surprises, highlighting factors such as high healthcare costs, rising mortgage financing costs and low housing supply. They stress the importance of staying informed about economic trends and risks.